Auteur and creator

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Hamburgsund, Vastra Gotalands Lan, Sweden
Jonas Wolcher, the visionary Swedish director born on April 15, 1973, is a cinematic maestro celebrated for his dynamic storytelling in films like "Die Zombiejäger" and "Dragonetti: The Ruthless Contract Killer." In the captivating world of "Cannibal Fog," Wolcher fearlessly delves into the cannibal genre, crafting narratives that defy convention, emphasizing storytelling prowess over extravagant special effects. His films aren't just stories; they're experiences, guided by an auteur with an unparalleled knack for turning challenges into triumphs. In a world of constraints, Wolcher's indomitable spirit shines through, making him a luminary figure in Swedish cinema. His unique blend of storytelling, music curation, and marketing finesse continues to captivate audiences, ensuring that Jonas Wolcher remains a cinematic force to be reckoned with.

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Haraldfilm besöks av Life's Bits and Bobs


I oktober 2023 besökte Life's Bits and Bobs Haraldfilm i Kållered, utanför Göteborg. Där fick vi en rundtur samt passade på att intervjua mannen som kämpar för att att den fysiska filmen ska bevaras. I hans butik hittar vi mer än 15000 titlar i lager. Följ med oss och dyk ner i DVDer och Blurays. Besök butiken via Producerat av Ranrikestudios för Life's Bits and Bobs. 



In October 2023, Life's Bits and Bobs visited Haraldfilm in Kållered, outside of Gothenburg. There, we received a tour and took the opportunity to interview the man who is striving to preserve physical film. In his store, we find more than 15,000 titles in stock. Join us as we delve into DVDs and Blu-rays. 


Support Ranrike Studios or Life's Bits and Bobs by becoming a Patreon today. or 

Musik. "That funk show" - Diamond Tunes   / alexgolubiev   


Stötta Ranrikestudios eller Life's Bits and Bobs genom att bli patreon redan idag. eller 

 Tack Glenn, Jonathan, Harald och Niclas.

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