Auteur and creator

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Hamburgsund, Vastra Gotalands Lan, Sweden
Jonas Wolcher, the visionary Swedish director born on April 15, 1973, is a cinematic maestro celebrated for his dynamic storytelling in films like "Die Zombiejäger" and "Dragonetti: The Ruthless Contract Killer." In the captivating world of "Cannibal Fog," Wolcher fearlessly delves into the cannibal genre, crafting narratives that defy convention, emphasizing storytelling prowess over extravagant special effects. His films aren't just stories; they're experiences, guided by an auteur with an unparalleled knack for turning challenges into triumphs. In a world of constraints, Wolcher's indomitable spirit shines through, making him a luminary figure in Swedish cinema. His unique blend of storytelling, music curation, and marketing finesse continues to captivate audiences, ensuring that Jonas Wolcher remains a cinematic force to be reckoned with.

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Besten i Bullarsjön aka The Beast Beneath Lake Bullaren Trailer (2021)

 #RANRIKESTUDIOS släppte 2021 en PR-Trailer för THE BEAST BENEATH LAKE BULLAREN aka BESTEN I BULLARSJÖN. Filmen är inte klar än. Vi letar för närvarande efter medel för att slutföra historien. Hittills har mer än 70% av scenerna filmats. Om du vill bidra gå med i vårt PATERON-program på eller kontakta oss på FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM. In 2021 #RANRIKESTUDIOS released a PR-Trailer for THE BEAST BENEATH LAKE BULLAREN aka BESTEN I BULLARSJÖN.

 The movie is not finished yet. We are currently looking for means to complete the story. So far more than 70% of the scenes has been filmed. 


If you want to contribute join our PATERON - program at or contact us at on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM. För mer info om filmen gå in på


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