Auteur and creator

- Jonas Wolcher
- Hamburgsund, Vastra Gotalands Lan, Sweden
- Jonas Wolcher, the visionary Swedish director born on April 15, 1973, is a cinematic maestro celebrated for his dynamic storytelling in films like "Die Zombiejäger" and "Dragonetti: The Ruthless Contract Killer." In the captivating world of "Cannibal Fog," Wolcher fearlessly delves into the cannibal genre, crafting narratives that defy convention, emphasizing storytelling prowess over extravagant special effects. His films aren't just stories; they're experiences, guided by an auteur with an unparalleled knack for turning challenges into triumphs. In a world of constraints, Wolcher's indomitable spirit shines through, making him a luminary figure in Swedish cinema. His unique blend of storytelling, music curation, and marketing finesse continues to captivate audiences, ensuring that Jonas Wolcher remains a cinematic force to be reckoned with.
Directors Cut or a Reboot for one of the first Swedish zombie pictures?
Jonas Wolcher's ad for Shadows of the night and an exorcism short
We are so proud. Just found out that both me and Helen
Brunestål from Ranrikestudios got roles in the cast of the American horror Shadows of the Night after
the director Todd Braley and one of the producers Debra Lamb watched our video.
What we going to do in the film is still a secret, but it's going to
be really exciting...
Don't leave just yet! The short exorcist video begins at 02.08.
Welcome to Shadows of the Night. An indiegogo campaign Shadows of the Night Directed by Todd E Braley. One of the producers is scream - and horror queen Debra Lamb, a very good friend of me and Helen. Jonas Wolcher at Ranrikestudios decided to collaborate with this ad for the campaign which includes a short exorcism clip (it was made to get the feeling for the ad) and because Ranrikestudios like horror movies 🎥😍
We have found a skeleton of a sea creature!
#RANRIKESTUDIOS is in production of their first creature feature "THE BEAST BENEATH LAKE BULLAREN" and this could not be a coincident: - This is very exciting. We have found a skeleton of a sea creature near a bank of sand. First it looked like some rocks but when we began digging in the icy sand a really big skeleton emerged.
What do you think it is? Comment below.
Do like Jonas. Become a supporter of this page - Domestic Violence equals Trauma
(Eng) It's really unfortunate that many folks who've been in tough situations in close relationships end up feeling dependent and even more vulnerable, especially when dealing with authorities, healthcare, and the legal system. Sometimes they don't get the understanding and support they need and might even face blame. They could be denied crucial help, both practical and financial. Plus, decision-makers with power might end up siding with the wrong person. It's pretty devastating because it leaves already vulnerable people in an even tougher spot. Check out this campaign—it's a prime example of what's going on.
Please leave a comment on the page if you have experienced similiar or know someone who's been abused. As a donor or just leaving comments you can choose to be anonymous.
It's tax deductible to donate.
(Swe) Det är så illa att allt för många som levt i utsatthet i nära relation hamnar i beroendeinställning och ytterligare utsatthet till bland annat myndigheter, vård och rättsväsende. Den utsatte kan bemötas med bristande förståelse och skuldbeläggande, bli nekad viktigt hjälp och stöd både praktisk och ekonomisk. Tjänstemän med beslutanderätt och maktposition kan ta beslut som gynnar förövaren. Allt detta är förödande då det kan försätta redan utsatta människor i ett än mer utsatt läge. Kolla in den här kampanjen. Detta är ett tydligt exempel.
Jonas Wolcher, kultfilmsregissören pratar i Nördarnas Podd (TEASER)
Den 25/3 släpps nästa avsnitt. Den här gången är det kultfilmsregissören Jonas Wolcher (#diezombiejager) som pratar i Nördarnas Podd. Temat den här gången är zombies på tapeten. Missa inte detta!!!
Häng med in i en värld full av odöda och känn doften av sirap och karamellfärg.
Domestic violence equals Trauma
We need to raise awareness that domestic violence often leads to lasting trauma.
I want to support Maria who has lived through and survived years of domestic violence. Today she lives a new life, mostly free from her abuser and she has dedicated her time fighting for women in Sweden, still suffering or having survived the abuse.
Malik Intervjuar Jonas Wolcher
Malik gjorde för ett tag sedan en recension av filmen Die Zombiejäger och fick då upp ögonen för filmskaparen Jonas Wolcher. Malik tog därefter kontakt med Jonas för en intervju om att vara filmskapare och regissör. Det blev ett samtal om hans morfar, Die Zombiejäger och hans nya film "The Beast Beneath Lake Bullaren"
- Per Jonas Wolcher, född 15 april 1973 i Göteborg, Västra Götaland, är en svensk regissör, producent och manusförfattare mest känd för Die Zombiejäger (2005). Wolcher har sedan dess fortsatt skapa filmer och bidragit som producent på projekt både i Sverige och Uganda som Precision (2017), My X-Girlfriend (2018), Sektor 236 - Tors vrede (2010) samt Hermit: Monster killer (2016) och The Beast Beneath Lake Bullaren (2020). www.ranrikestudios.eu2024-03-13
Jonas Wolcher intervjuas av Malik på MEDIABYRÅN
The sequel to DRAGONETTI - Name revealed.
Here are some news regarding our project the sequel to Dragonetti (2010)
Dragonetti, a retired contract killer, now living an ordinary life in
the countryside of the northern part of the west coast of Sweden. Out of
the blue day his former weapon supplier comes for an unexpected visit.
They talk about the past over a late night meal and then his guest
leaves in a hurry leaving something behind - Later on something begins
to terrorize Dragonetti. Something from his life as an assassin, a
deadly enemy from the past. Now Dragonetti has to find the connection to
get rid of the threat. But how? You can't kill someone who's already
dead.—Helen Brunestål - Writer at Ranrikestudios
The title is:
We are currently working on the script. Stay tuned for more here and on RANRIKESTUDIOS patreon page.
Skräck och spökmässa i Moriska Paviljongen April 2018
This is the first and biggest horror con arranged in Sweden. 500 visitors, zombies, creepy dentists and other scary stuff. More than 30 exhibitors including 2 film companies. We had a blast and screened for a full cinema the cult movie Hermit: Monster Killer. We will definitely be back for another turn.
My name is Jonas Wolcher (
I am a traumatized cult film director who needs help to go back and produce/direct great movies once more. I've directed four features, produced at least a dozen of other pictures and countless of music videos including shorts.
In my past I've been living in relationships which were not good (due to physical and psychological violence) and now many years later they have put deep scars inside me but I will never surrender! Film making is my passion!!!
What I really want to do is to go back and make movies, but due to my economical situation and psychological status I can't do it. Not yet. I've been into the health care but they can't do much and the social government doesn't help people with companies in Sweden. In order to get financial support from the social you have to put your company to rest (disease) or in an other term, terminate for a period. However that doesn't count if you are in a LCC or a board member of a LCC. It's a pretty nasty stand-off you are looking at.
That's why I decided to ask for your support. To get some income and oil the machinery once more and start to make really good movies. In order to do that I need a push forward. You can help me get back in the saddle by investing some money into my life.
You can follow my journey here and we can have discussions about film making on discord #helpcultfilmdirector
Me and my fiance Helen she's the CEO of Ranrikestudios AB, our production company in northern Bohuslän, Sweden, an absolutely perfect location to make movies in. Close to nature, the sea and not far from Norway. This place suit us and it's here where we get all the ideas of projects we really want to make. Everything from Ghost Assassins, poison murderers, domestic violence, historical dramas, sci-fi's and of course my favourite genre, Horror!Thank you for listening.
Blue Mango having a shower in slow-mo
No sound. This is our English Budgie Mango. She loves to shower.
Next time she will be with me in the editing room... Stay tuned.
Today it happened.
I was completely down and had difficult decisions ahead of me. Our financial situation is extreme in every way. It's so difficult to decide whether to eat or pay the bills. This is because the job we had in the neighbouring municipality ended abruptly due to disagreements between two parties. They were satisfied with our performance, but the project couldn't continue as planned. This day didn't start well in any way.
As an extra twist of fate
We have agreed to participate in a documentary about ourselves and our project about "the fish film". Looking back at all the decisions made many years ago and discovering that perhaps they weren't always the best cuts through you.
Even though it's in the past, the same feelings arise as when you were in the midst of production with all the stress and anxiety. Yes, I really had anxiety when I had just left a long and destructive relationship, so there was no energy left to be the film maker I used to be.
I was trying to climb back up the career ladder, but I was too agitated to make sensible decisions. We sit and watch a rough cut of the film and make notes. Eventually, Helen can't take it any more, and I'm completely distraught. There are way too many emotions. We call our documentary director and tell him about our state of mind.
He is calm and says:
"I recognize this because you're behaving exactly the same way as when we made 'the fish film'. You couldn't take in what we were saying to you because your stress level was so high. I want to do this. I'll show the film to a few interested people like producers and I'll come back later when you're more calm and able to absorb information again."
Helen and I immediately felt a sense of tranquillity when these words were spoken to us. It was like an extra twist of fate. Our stressed hearts slowed down.
Guidance through prompts and settings
Then our other colleague who we worked with on another project called us and gave us another piece of news that gave us a positive boost for the day. But it didn't stop there. We received the revisions for an archaeological project that can be easily fixed. We had succeeded with that too, and the client was satisfied.
Then I called and talked to my mother, telling her about our situation. She listened and comforted us. My mother explained that they themselves had ended up in a bad situation when their apartment had problems and needed renovations due to damage that they couldn't have foreseen, nor could they have done anything about earlier. I'm so happy to have my mother back since we hadn't been in contact for several years, but now we often talk on the phone.
My friend who runs a stunt school, I helped him order shirts and fix his computer which had completely crashed (Windows Automatic Recovery). It took me over an hour to guide him through prompts and settings. He struggles so much with handling programs and computers, so without me, he wouldn't have been able to solve his problem. After much work, the PC finally started again. He was overjoyed and thanked me.
Suddenly it happened. When we were done, I received a surprising text message. My mother had sent some money to me. I replied and wrote that I have the best mom!
This brings me to the end of the evening. Afterwards, Helen and I took a walk in the night. I reflected on the day and concluded that one should help people in need, especially those close to you. When we got home we had some tea and and home made cardamom rolls.
Pass it forward
Don't worry about getting paid because when you least expect it, you may receive more than you anticipated from elsewhere. The world we live in today needs more empathy.
Sometimes the world can truly turn from total darkness to sunshine and cardamom rolls.
Idag hände det.
Jag var helt nere och hade tunga beslut framför mig. Vår ekonomiska situation är extrem på alla vis. Det är så jobbigt att behöva besluta ifall man ska äta eller betala räkningarna. Detta beror på att jobbet vi hade i grannkommunen avslutades abrupt pga ogentligheter mellan två parter. De var nöjda med vår insats, men artbetet kunde inte fortgå som planerat. Den här dagen började inte bra på något sätt.
Som extra smör på pannkakor
Vi har tackat ja i att medverka i en dokumentär om oss själva och vårt projekt om "fiskfilmen". Att se tillbaka på allt man då för många år sedan tog beslut i och upptäcka att det var kanske inte var det allra bästa alla gånger skär igenom kroppen på en. Även ifall det är överspelat så dyker samma känslor upp som när man var mitt uppe i produktionen med all stress och ångest. Ja, jag hade verkligen ångest då jag precis hade lämnat ett långt och destruktivt förhållande så fanns inte orken att vara den filmskapare jag tidigare var. Jag var i jakt på att kliva upp på karriärstegen åter, men var för uppjagad för att kunna ta förnuftiga beslut. Vi sitter och tittar på en grovklippning av filmen och gör anteckningar. Till slut så klarar inte Helen mer och jag är helt förtvivlad. Det är alldeles för mycket känslor. Vi ringer till vår regissör för dokumentären och berättar om vårt mående. Han är lugn och säger:
Jag känner igen detta för att du beter dig precis på samma sätt som när vi gjorde "fiskfilmen". Du kunde inte ta in vad vi sade till dig p g a din stressnivå var så hög.
- Jag vill att vi gör så här. Jag visar filmen för lite folk som är intresserade som producenter så återkommer jag lite senare när ni är mer lugna i sinnet och orkar ta in information igen.
Helen och jag kände genast ett sus av tranquility när dessa orden uttalades till oss. Det var som extra smör på pannkakor. Våra hjärtan saktade ner.
Vägledning genom prompter och inställningar
Därefter ringde vår övriga kollega som vi jobbade med kring ett annat projekt och gav oss ytterligare ett besked som gav oss en positiv boost till dagen. Men det slutade inte där. Vi fick tillbaka ändringarna till ett arkeologprojekt som lätt kan fixas. Vi hade lyckats med det också och kunden var nöjd.
Jag ringde och pratade med min mor och berättade hur vår situation var.
Hon lyssnade och tröstade oss. Min mor förklarade att de själva hade
hamnat i en dålig situation då deras lägenhet hade problem och behövdes
renoveras pga en skada som de själva inte kunde ha förutsett, inte
heller kunde göra något åt tidigare. Jag är så glad över att jag fått
tillbaka min mor då vi inte hade någon kontakt med varandra under flera
år, men nu är det ofta vi pratar i telefon.
Min vän som driver en stuntskola hjälpte jag med att beställa tröjor till samt hans dator som helt hamnat i Blue Hell. (Windows Automatic Recovery). Det tog över en timma för mig att vägleda honom genom prompter och inställningar. Han har så svårt att hantera program och datorer så utan mig hade han inte klarat att lösa sitt problem. Efter mycket jobb startade till slut PCn igen. Han var helt överlycklig och tackade mig. Plötsligt hände det. När vi var klara så fick jag ett överraskande sms. Min mor hade skickat en slant till mig. Jag besvarade och skrev att jag har den bästa mamman!
Det leder mig då till ett slut på kvällen. Efteråt tog jag och Helen en promenad i natten. Jag reflekterade över dagen och kom fram till att man ska hjälpa människor i nöd, speciellt de som står en nära. När vi kom hem så drack vi te och åt kardemummabullar.
Skicka vidare
Bry dig inte om ifall du får betalt för när du minst anar det så får du kanske mer än vad du väntat dig från ett annat håll. Världen idag vi lever i behöver mer empati.
Ibland så kan verkligen världen vända från totalt mörker till solsken och kardemummabullar.
Jonas Wolcher - BIO
In December 2002 he and his friends starts to
make another huge project Mutant "The New Era" Nearly 100 people got
involved, but this project had to go and only three trailers were made.
July 2003 Jonas Wolcher starts with another and much bigger project
called "Zombienoid II", which later change to "Die Zombiejäger". The
movie is ready in September 2005 and shown at Fantastic Film Festival,
In fall 2006 a new project "Dragonetti" in progress. It
takes nearly 4 years to finish. The movie has it's premier in September
2010 at Fantastic Film Festival, Lund the same year. The Swedish Title
is Dragonetti The Ruthless Contact Killer.
During the making of "Dragonetti", Jonas also works as a DVD-author and editor for the production "Sektor 236".
2012 Jonas Wolcher starts to write a horror drama with cannibalism as
the theme. He gets help with Brian Bell and Vargman Bjärsborn to create
Cannibal Fog, one of the strangest Swedish horror drama of 2014. The
movie is shown at Weekend of Horrors, Germany and at Mórbido Mérida in
Mexico the same year.
Jonas Wolcher has worked with special
effects since 1998, for movies, music videos and lectures "impressive
horror makeup easy and effective".
Now Jonas Wolcher has been
involved in several projects such as Sektor 236, Barracuda, WeekEND,
Root of Darkness, Hermit, Monster Killer, Coctail Apocalypse among many.
film festivals and Horror conventions Jonas is always trying to give
the visitors as a happy visit as possible. He gladly signing autographs
and love a good chat with you.
Jonas Wolcher loves to tell
stories right away without so much explanation of the past. Cannibal Fog
is his first attempt to make a drama in the cannibal genre instead of
putting everything onto the effects.
The strength of Jonas
Wolcher is his ability to find music that fits for each specific scene
to keep the mood and the rhythm in the movie. He's also very good at
artwork and marketing. The expression "to Wolche, or Wolcha" something
comes from Jonas Wolcher's ability to market something with no budget.
ARTE (A Reason To Erase) - OctoLab
This is the fourth video out of five from the OctoLab Saga "To Be Continued" directed by Jonas Wolcher.. This video is inspired by the black and white horror movies from the 60 in US. I wanted it to look like something from that period.
DoP David Eric Nilsson
Ida Karolin Johansson,
Emelie Andersson,
Malte Aronsson,
Olivia Lansinger,
Tanja Sjölin,
Krister Brandling,
Jonas Norman,
Niklas Sjölin,
Johan Bohlin
and more.
There were almost 15 extras in the video and was shot in Lysekil 2017, Sweden.
DoP David Eric Nilsson
Dibintangi Ida Karolin Johansson, Emelie Andersson, Malte Aronsson, Olivia Lansinger, Tanja Sjölin, Krister Brandling, Jonas Norman, Niklas Sjölin, Johan Bohlin dan banyak lagi. Terdapat hampir 15 tambahan dalam video itu dan ditembak di Lysekil 2017, Sweden.
Help a Cult Movie Director to come back and make great movies again
My Ko-Fi-page is now available! Check it out.
My name is Jonas Wolcher I am a traumatized cult movie director who needs help to go back and produce/direct great movies once more. In my past I've been living in relationships which were not good and now many years later they have put deep scars inside me but I will never surrender!
What I really want to do is to go back and make movies, but due to my economical situation and psychological status I can't do it. Not yet. That's why I decided to ask for your support. To get some income and oil the machinery once more and start to make really good movies.
Me and my fiance Helen she's the CEO of Ranrikestudios, our production company in northern Bohuslän, Sweden, an absolutely perfect location to make movies in.
Close to nature, the sea and not far from Norway. This place suit us and it's here where we get all the ideas of projects we really want to make. Everything from Ghost Assassins, poison murderers, domestic violence, historical dramas, syfys and of course my favorite genre, Horror!
Follow me on Instagram
From Star Wars to Dungeons & Dragons When I grew up in the 80's Star Wars was everywhere. Trading cards like these were availa...
Plot Summary for Dragonetti 2: An Eye for an Eye ( 2015 ) More at IMDbPro » Dragonetti, a former hitman stu...