Jonas Wolcher - The Swedish Cult Movie Maker
Auteur and creator

- Jonas Wolcher
- Hamburgsund, Vastra Gotalands Lan, Sweden
- Jonas Wolcher, the visionary Swedish director born on April 15, 1973, is a cinematic maestro celebrated for his dynamic storytelling in films like "Die Zombiejäger" and "Dragonetti: The Ruthless Contract Killer." In the captivating world of "Cannibal Fog," Wolcher fearlessly delves into the cannibal genre, crafting narratives that defy convention, emphasizing storytelling prowess over extravagant special effects. His films aren't just stories; they're experiences, guided by an auteur with an unparalleled knack for turning challenges into triumphs. In a world of constraints, Wolcher's indomitable spirit shines through, making him a luminary figure in Swedish cinema. His unique blend of storytelling, music curation, and marketing finesse continues to captivate audiences, ensuring that Jonas Wolcher remains a cinematic force to be reckoned with.
20 years ago I created my first social media
CME Northern Lights The view from the jetty
There have been four major coronal mass ejections (CME) that gave rise to a powerful geomagnetic solar storm. It was the strongest to hit Sweden since the Halloween storm of 2003.
Then parts of the electricity system were knocked out. It is expected that there may be more opportunities during the weekend for northern lights. Keep your eyes on the sky. It's magical.
It's what the camera captures, ot what you see with the naked eye. Something that is well known among people who want to photograph the Northern Lights. Sometimes you see a lot of color, sometimes just white streaks. Yesterday it was both. For those of you who are skeptical,
I post the originals as they were taken. So many colors on a #norrsken in #heestrand. Today it was nature that pulled the color sliders.
The one above is the original and the one on top is the edited one. I've just adjusted the contrast and black and white.
What's going on with the creature feature?
Hello to you all!
As you probably know by now Helen and I have been working on THE BEAST BENEATH LAKE BULLAREN, a creature feature. We began in 2020.
But something is about to happen. We are collaborating with as one of the new producers helping us finishing the project. Today we had an interesting call where we discussed importance of the essence of horror in the picture. We all agreed real horror is within the viewers mind and therefore you need to get them scared by imaging what's beneath instead of displaying a complete monster. By using a lot of sound effects and a fast pace of editing you will get a much bigger impact. It's horrifying to get the feeling something is watching you, instead of seeing the creature watching you.
If you want to know more? Visit
Allsång och påskträff med Kyrkans vandringsgrupp 2024
Life's Bits and Bobs i samarbete med Ranrikestudios presenterar stolt
#Inkluderandeskap ordet för i år. Äntligen var det dags igen för påskträffen med Kyrkans vandringsgrupp i Hamburgsund. Den svenska nyhetskanalen Life's Bits and Bobs var där och filmade när gruppen träffades och sjöng tillsammans till en levande orkester.
Vandringsgruppen träffas varje torsdag och gör olika aktiviteter. Detta är en fantastisk möjlighet för de som är ensamma att få lov att känna en gemenskap, något som ska värderas högt i dagens samhälle. Programmet är textat på svenska så det går att följa med i sången.
Vi vill passa på att tacka Kyrkans vandringsgrupp, Eva och Christel. Stöd vår verksamhet genom att swisha till 123 488 80 12
Ranrikestudios i Hamburgsund har producerat avsnittet. Foto och klippning: @jonaswolcher Vill du se programmet utan reklam så kan man göra detta via eller
©2024 #ranrikestudios #lifesbitsandbobs #allsång #taube #kyrkan #vandringsgrupp
Melodierna som vandringsgruppen sjunger i avsnittet är:
Blåsippor Gullefjun
Alla fåglar kommit re´n
Flickorna i Småland
Ljuvliga ungdom
När det våras ibland bergen
Maj på Malö
Fattig Bonddräng
Påskpastoral från Buhalla
Nu är det påsk igen
Thank you for greeting Jonas Wolcher on his 51st birthday
Thank you for all the greetings I received on my birthday April 15. No one is forgotten! #theworldneedsalittlebitmoreempathy
😎😎 Jonas is wearing a pair of QuietFrames. for more info. #jonaswolcherartist #ranrikestudios
Get your Zombiejäger merch. Now free shipping #diezombiejäger get your merch ends April 15 April 13th is the national day of Die Zombiejäger. Die Zombiejäger is one of the first Swedish zombie pictures ever made directed by Jonas Wolcher. It took nearly 3 years to complete.
FREE Shipping until April 15th.
The national day of Die Zombiejäger
April 13th is the national day of Die Zombiejäger. Die Zombiejäger is one of the first Swedish zombie pictures ever made directed by Jonas Wolcher. It took nearly 3 years to complete. The movie takes place in near future when the city of Gothenburg is invaded by the living dead. The only solution is to bring the fearsome German zombie hunting team "Die Zombiejäger". This movie has become since it's was made in 2005 one of the Swedish cult pictures made by lot of passion for horror, comedy splatter and of course zombies.
Quiet Frames Fokus För Kultregissören Jonas Wolcher
Directors Cut or a Reboot for one of the first Swedish zombie pictures?
Jonas Wolcher's ad for Shadows of the night and an exorcism short
We are so proud. Just found out that both me and Helen
Brunestål from Ranrikestudios got roles in the cast of the American horror Shadows of the Night after
the director Todd Braley and one of the producers Debra Lamb watched our video.
What we going to do in the film is still a secret, but it's going to
be really exciting...
Don't leave just yet! The short exorcist video begins at 02.08.
Welcome to Shadows of the Night. An indiegogo campaign Shadows of the Night Directed by Todd E Braley. One of the producers is scream - and horror queen Debra Lamb, a very good friend of me and Helen. Jonas Wolcher at Ranrikestudios decided to collaborate with this ad for the campaign which includes a short exorcism clip (it was made to get the feeling for the ad) and because Ranrikestudios like horror movies 🎥😍
We have found a skeleton of a sea creature!
#RANRIKESTUDIOS is in production of their first creature feature "THE BEAST BENEATH LAKE BULLAREN" and this could not be a coincident: - This is very exciting. We have found a skeleton of a sea creature near a bank of sand. First it looked like some rocks but when we began digging in the icy sand a really big skeleton emerged.
What do you think it is? Comment below.
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